© Grant Kemp, Gerry White 2021
G. Kemp, G. WhiteGoogle Data Studio for Beginnershttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5156-0_3

3. Metrics and Dimensions

Helpful Data Visualizations
Grant Kemp1   and Gerry White1
London, UK

You know you live in the world of Web Insights when you realize that every piece of data you look at drives action….

—Avinash Kaushik, Digital Marketing Evangelist, Google1

In the previous chapter, we needed to use dimensions and metrics to make our reports. Let’s continue trying to understand what these are.

Just about anything to do with data can be boiled down to the metrics and dimensions.


Data Studio’s Help center glossary defines metrics in a really overly complicated way:

A specific aggregation applied to a set of values.Metrics ...

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