Chapter 14
Hacking Your Glass
In This Chapter
Giving users the best experience in your Glass app
Deciding how to develop a Glass app
Submitting your Glassware for inclusion on the MyGlass website
If you give a hacker a new toy, the first thing he’ll do is take it apart to figure out how it works.
— Jamie Zawinski
When desktop computers were new and exciting (in the 1970s and 1980s), the term hack appeared in the computing lexicon. If you were a hacker who hacked a computer, it meant that you were able to figure out how to make the computer do useful, interesting, and/or unexpected things that you would share with others. Your hack inspired others to hack more computers and do more useful things. These days, however, the terms hack and hacker have negative connotations.
Glass brings new, exciting technology to the computing realm, so when we say hacking in this chapter, we mean teaching Glass new tricks, building something useful, and inspiring other Glass app developers.
Google wants as many people as possible to develop Glassware — apps for Glass — because (blunt honesty alert) if more Glassware is available, more people are likely to buy Glass. What’s more, if you offer good-quality ...
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