Chapter 15
Troubleshooting Common Glass Problems
In This Chapter
Coping with common concerns
Fitting Glass comfortably
Fixing app and feature problems
Going to Google for help
We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
— Albert Einstein
Though it doesn’t look like any other computer, Glass is still a computer, and that means you’ll have some problems with it from time to time. Many of these problems are small and correctable, so you may want to bookmark this chapter for future reference.
Fixing Common Wonkiness
If your Glass is acting wonky (wonky is a technical term), here are some solutions to try for different situations.
Wi-Fi worries
If your Wi-Fi connection isn’t working, you can forget it by following these steps:
- Tap the Settings card in the timeline.
- In the Settings screen, open the Options menu by tapping the touchpad.
- Choose Forget Connection from the menu.
Glass immediately forgets the connection so that you can add the Wi-Fi connection again or try another one.
Tethering troubles ...
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