Chapter 15
Ten Ways to Add Value to Your Website Using Google+
If you’ve wanted a one-stop place to go and find what you need to improve your website and integrate it better with Google+, this chapter is it. Thinking socially (as outlined in Chapter 14) and using Google+ to build a full social design for your website will help your site retain users, grow your brand’s presence in online searches, bring more sales, and convert more visitors into customers. Follow the tips in this chapter, and you’re sure to see success!
Integrating +1 Buttons
The easiest and first thing you should do to your website when you create your Google+ presence is add +1 buttons to every piece of content or product you feature. On every landing page where you want better search engine rankings, you should have a +1 button.
The +1 button gives you several benefits:
It shows visitors that there are more people than just them visiting and endorsing the product or content where the +1 button is placed. That +1 number can make anyone feel a little peer pressure to click the button and join the crowd. Seeing a number greater than 0 shows your visitors that you have an audience and that people are interested in your products and/or content. The effect still happens if the number of +1s is 0: That 0 tempts a visitor to be the first one to click that +1 and grow the number of endorsements for the page.
It allows ...
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