Figure 16-1: Intel uses images to get people to decide which interests to follow.
Chapter 16
Ten Good Google+ Business Practices
If you’ve dug into any of this book, you’re already on your way to implementing good business practices on Google+. I figured you might also want a look at how some folks have used Google+ to boost their success while maintaining a vital online community around their brands. Coming right up: This chapter shows you ten solid examples of doing Google+ right — businesses, brands, and the people who run those small businesses (and put a human face on those brands). A couple of these examples also appear elsewhere in the book, but my hope is that by reading this chapter you can see them in a new context — with their fellow Google+ star performers — and I’ll point out some highly useful features of those cases.
Separating Fans into Audiences (+Intel)
Intel engages its fans superbly by separating fans into different audiences and then catering its messages to those audiences. The brand does so by making the individual images across the top of its profile a way for users to “vote” on topics that they might be interested in.
Each image at the top is an animated GIF — currently, the topics are Technology Enthusiasts, Trends, IT Experts, Newsroom, and Software Developers. Each animated GIF flips around to show a circle that prompts the user, “+1 to join” (see Figure 16-1).
When fans of the Intel Google+ Page circle the page and click the image, they have the ...
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