Exporting from SketchUp

With the standard SketchUp program, you can export .kmz models for Google Earth, and you can export to a variety of two-dimensional image formats. If you need more options for exporting 3-D models, it's time to step up to SketchUp Pro. See Exporting 2-D Images for all the options available.

Exporting 3-D Images

The standard SketchUp program only exports one type of 3-D model—the .kmz files used in Google Earth. (For the formats exported by SketchUp Pro, see Exporting 2-D Images.) The process for exporting .kmz files is simple:

  1. Choose File → Export.

    A window appears.

  2. From the "Export type" drop-down menu, choose "Google Earth (*.kmz)".

    This option sets the file format for export.

  3. Type a file name for the model in the "File name" box ("Save as" for Macs).

    You can navigate to any folder where you want to save the file, including your desktop. You don't have to type the extension (.kmz); SketchUp adds that automatically.

  4. Click Export.

    SketchUp saves the file in the folder you designated with the name you provided.

Exporting Models to Google Earth

If your goal is to place your model in Google Earth and you don't need to save a .kmz file for other purposes, you can use the Google toolbar (View → Toolbars → Google in Windows; View → Tool Palettes → Google on Mac). As an alternative, you can use the Tools → Google Earth → Place Model command. Before you rush off and populate Google Earth with models, here are a few tips to keep in mind.

  • Make sure your model is properly georeferenced ...

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