Chapter 7

Fiddling with Document Layout


Bullet Constructing sturdy tables for your Docs data

Bullet Augmenting your documents with headers and footers

Bullet Messing around with margins, breaks, and other page setup chores

Bullet Convincing text to display in columns

Bullet Making footnotes look easy

In Chapter 6, I talk about Docs at the “tree” level of words, sentences, and paragraphs. But getting more out of Docs also requires that you deal with the app at the “forest” level of pages and documents. This means you need to get familiar with the document layout and page setup tools.

The terms document layout and page setup refer to how text and paragraphs are laid out on each page, and they involve building tables, adding headers and footers, setting margin sizes, specifying the page orientation, choosing the paper size, and so on. In this chapter, you explore these and a few other document layout features.

Building a Table with Your Bare Hands

In this section, you learn a bit of computer carpentry ...

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