Chapter 14

Ten Professional Uses for GoPro Cameras


check Making real estate videos

check Getting better footage for TV

check Shooting efficient documentaries

check Adding variety to photo shoots

Do you make money shooting photos or video? By definition, you’re a pro, no matter what your day job is. If you want to gain an edge, adding GoPro to your repertoire can help. Whether you shoot weddings, cover news stories, or create multimedia real estate listings, the GoPro can elevate the quality of the final product.

The camera is already gaining exposure on the pro circuit. Several reality television shows already incorporate GoPro cameras, including the CBS series Survivor.

This chapter presents ten professional uses for GoPro cameras.

Professional Photography

The GoPro has found its way into many professional photographers’ camera bags. It’s fun to use when you’re already comfortable with holding a camera, and that near-fish-eye view (I won’t bicker over 10 degrees) lets you do some pretty creative stuff with still images and video.

If you’re not already using a GoPro in your photography ...

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