List of Listings
Chapter 1. Grails in a hurry . . .
Listing 1.1. Handling redirects
Listing 1.3. A database-driven random
Listing 1.4. Beefing up service
Listing 1.5. Adding real tests
Table 1.1. Crunching numbers: the grails stats command in action
Chapter 2. The Groovy essentials
Listing 2.1. Writing a Groovy script to generate quotes
Listing 2.2. Converting quotes into Pig Latin
Listing 2.3. Your first Spock specification
Listing 2.4. Adding multiple data sets to a test
Listing 2.5. Implementing the quote analyzer
Listing 2.6. Adding a test method for the getQuoteCountPerAuthor() method
Listing 2.7. Implementing getQuotePerAuthor()
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