Chapter 5


In This Chapter

arrow Figuring out how is organized

arrow Registering on and applying for federal grants

arrow Perusing standard federal grant application forms

Established in 2002, is the federal government’s e-government initiative operating under the governance of the Office of Management and Budget. It provides a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities. Through it you can find information on the more than 1,000 grant programs available through the 26 federal grant-making agencies.

In this chapter, I take you on a guided tour of the homepage and give you some pointers on getting your organization registered to apply for federal grants and cooperative agreements. I also lead you through those confusing grant application forms and the downloading and uploading processes for the entire grant application.

remember.eps is by no means an error-free way to submit your grant applications. But as long as you follow the online directions and don’t wait until the last minute to upload ...

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