Chapter 22

Ten Reputation-Building Tricks

In This Chapter

arrow Doing the necessary research ahead of time

arrow Including what funders want (and need) to see

How can you determine your odds of winning? Is there a system for knowing if your grant-funding opportunity is worth going after? Have you thought about everything that needs to be in place to win a grant award? In this chapter, I answer these questions and more by presenting ten ways to stay on top of the grant writing game.

Pre-Qualify Your Grant-Funding Opportunity

You can increase your win rate by pre-qualifying every grant-funding opportunity that hits your field of vision. Ask yourself the following questions about each opportunity:

  • Does our organization qualify to apply for these monies? Remember, if your organization isn’t an eligible grant applicant and you apply anyway, your application will be rejected for funding.
  • How many grants will be awarded? If fewer than ten grants will be awarded, your chance of winning one is extremely low.
  • Does our organization have a chance of winning a grant award? If this is your organization’s first time applying for a federal grant application, you may not have the government grants management experience necessary to win higher peer review points in the related response section of your grant ...

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