Grant Writing For Dummies, 7th Edition

Book description

Write award-winning grant proposals that build organizational capacity!

For nonprofit and for-profit firms alike, grants can be a singular generator of growth and impact. But many leaders are intimidated and confused by the sometimes-complex grant application process. The truth, however, is that anyone can learn to write and send a powerful grant letter with the right help.

In Grant Writing For Dummies, Dr. Beverly Browning draws on over four decades of experience writing grant applications and training grant writers to deliver a comprehensive and easy-to-follow roadmap to drafting and submitting grant applications that get funded. You’ll learn to craft the strongest application possible, find the best sources of funding from online databases, and present a realistic project budget plan.

You’ll also find:

  • Example types of funding requests that demonstrate how to apply the concepts discussed in the book
  • New and updated material walking you through the entire grant-writing process, from beginning to end
  • Writing techniques that capture the imaginations of grant reviewers who decide which applicants walk away empty-handed and which ones receive cash

Whether you’re looking to fund your nonprofit, grow your business, or develop your research venture, you’ll find the guidance you need in Grant Writing For Dummies.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Introduction
    1. About This Book
    2. What’s New in This Edition
    3. Foolish Assumptions
    4. Icons Used in This Book
    5. Beyond the Book
    6. Where to Go from Here
  5. Part 1: Getting Started with Everything Grants
    1. Chapter 1: Grantwriting Basics for Beginners
      1. Orienting Yourself on Grantseeking Basics
      2. Recognizing the Purpose of a Funding Development Plan
      3. Connecting to Public-Sector Grantmaking Agencies
      4. Researching Private-Sector Grants
      5. Getting Acquainted with Grant Submission Requirements
      6. Making a List and Checking It Twice
      7. Tracking Your Submission Status
      8. Jumping for Joy or Starting All Over?
    2. Chapter 2: Preparing for Successful Grantseeking
      1. Grantseeking Readiness Priorities for Nonprofits
      2. Creating a Grantfunding Plan
      3. Increasing Your Chances for Grantseeking Success
      4. Waiting Patiently for Next Steps
    3. Chapter 3: Understanding Grantmaking Entities Expectations
      1. Delivering the Information Funders Ask For
      2. Making Sure You Have the Mandatory Attachments Before You Start Writing
  6. Part 2: Researching Grantfunding Opportunities
    1. Chapter 4: Venturing into Public-Sector Grants
      1. Looking for Local Funding First
      2. Analyzing the Types of Federal Funding Available
      3. Enlisting Political Advocates
    2. Chapter 5: Navigating the Federal Grant Submission Portals
      1. Navigating the Website
      2. Understanding Grant Applicant Eligibility
      3. Registering on
      4. Viewing Tutorials in the Workspace
      5. Accessing Application Package Instructions
      6. Reviewing Some of the Mandatory Government Grant Application Forms
    3. Chapter 6: Researching Potential Private-Sector Funders
      1. Finding Foundations and Corporations with Grantmaking Programs
      2. Scouring GuideStar for Foundation Funders
      3. What to Look for in a Foundation’s Form-990
      4. Weighing the Usefulness of Free versus Paid Grant-Research Websites
      5. Scoring a Match to the Funder's Grantmaking Criteria
      6. Knowing Whom to Contact First
    4. Chapter 7: Finding Legitimate Grants for Individuals and Businesses
      1. Sorting Through Who Awards Grants to Individuals and for What Purposes
      2. Locating Credible Grants for Your Startup Business
      3. Digging for Business-Expansion Monies
    5. Chapter 8: Finding Grants for Academia and Fellowships
      1. Reviewing Terminology That You Need to Know
      2. Finding Sponsored Program Grants
    6. Chapter 9: Identifying Funds for Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
      1. Acquiring NGO Status
      2. Finding NGOs-Related Funding Sources
      3. Knowing What Non-U.S. Funders Expect
  7. Part 3: Maximizing Your Chances of Winning a Grant Award
    1. Chapter 10: Finding Federal Grant Opportunities That Fit Your Needs
      1. Dissecting the Notice of Funding Availability (Over and Over Again)
      2. Scrutinizing the Review Criteria
      3. Finding the Right Collaborators
    2. Chapter 11: Winning with Peer Review Scoring Factors
      1. Complying with the Technical Review Requirements
      2. Understanding the Importance of the Peer Review Process
      3. Writing to the Peer Review Requirements
      4. Validating Needs and Implementation Strategies
      5. Considering the Use of Third-Party Evaluators
      6. Getting Invited to Join a Peer Review Team
    3. Chapter 12: Resuscitating Your Writing
      1. Putting a Heartbeat in Your Writing
      2. Racking Up Peer Review Points in the Program Design
  8. Part 4: Following the Funder’s Guidelines
    1. Chapter 13: Preparing Preliminary Documents
      1. Complying with Mandatory Application Package Requirements
      2. Drafting a Cover Letter (If Requested)
      3. Shuffling Through Funder Information Requests
      4. Knowing What the Feds Want in a Form (SF-424)
      5. Saving the Abstract or Executive Summary Narrative for Last
      6. Crafting the Table of Contents When Required
    2. Chapter 14: Developing the Organizational History and Capability Boilerplate Narrative
      1. Adhering to the Funder’s Guidelines
      2. Creating Organizational Capabilities as a Grant Applicant
      3. Sorting Out Relevant Programs and Activities
      4. Presenting and Validating Your Target Population for Services
      5. Including High Stakes Partners to Boost Your Credibility
    3. Chapter 15: Validating Your Needs with a Compelling Narrative
      1. Convincing Funders of Your Need
      2. Using Graphics When Allowed by the Funder
    4. Chapter 16: Incorporating Best Practices to Build the Program Design Narrative
      1. Reviewing the Components of a Good Program Design Section
      2. Starting with a Purpose Statement
      3. Plotting Goals and SMART Objectives
      4. Providing a Comprehensive Implementation Plan
      5. Confirming Narrative Content Connectivity in Your Logic Model
      6. Writing the Evaluation Plan for Your Program Design
    5. Chapter 17: Preparing Project Management Plans and Sustainability Narratives
      1. Presenting the Project Management Team’s Credentials
      2. Articulating Qualifications
      3. Connecting Accountability and Responsibility to the Implementation Process
      4. Offering Up Cash and In-Kind Leveraging Resources for Matching Funds
      5. Demonstrating Federal Compliance in the Personnel Selection
      6. Writing the Sustainability Statement
    6. Chapter 18: Creating a Budget That Includes All the Funding You Need
      1. Understanding Budget Section Basics
      2. Digging Up Matching Funds
      3. Plotting Ethical Expenses
      4. Projecting Multiyear Expenses for Grant-Funded Programs
      5. Building Credibility When You’re a New Nonprofit
  9. Part 5: Triple-Checking Your Application, Submitting, and Following Up
    1. Chapter 19: Checking Off the Mandatory Requirements for Compliance
      1. Triple-Checking All Required Components
      2. Avoiding Editing Red Flags
      3. Assembling the Proper Attachments in the Right Order
      4. Meeting Submission Requirements
    2. Chapter 20: Knowing What to Do after Submitting Your Application
      1. Keeping Accessible Copies of Electronic Files
      2. Staying Connected to Your Stakeholders
      3. Tracking the Status of Your Submitted Application
    3. Chapter 21: Winning or Losing: What’s Next?
      1. Handling Funding Status Communications from Grantmakers
      2. Handling Multiple Grant Awards
      3. Failing to Get a Grant Award
    4. Chapter 22: Requesting Matching Funds and Other Goodies from Corporate Grantmakers
      1. Recognizing What Corporations and Local Businesses Are Willing to Fund
      2. Making Initial Contact and Building a Relationship with Corporate Funders
      3. Building Relationships with Major Corporations and Business Funders
      4. Writing a Corporate Letter Request/Letter Proposal
      5. Following Up with Potential Corporate Funders
  10. Part 6: The Part of Tens
    1. Chapter 23: Ten e-Grant Tips
      1. Log In and Set Up a Password Immediately for Online Submissions
      2. Fill In Routine Organizational Information
      3. Review the Entire Online Application Template
      4. Copy and Re-Create the Template in a Word-Processing Program
      5. Adhere to Writing Limitations in Online Grant e-Portals
      6. Convey without Traditional Graphics
      7. Convey without Traditional Formatting
      8. Recheck the Funder’s Website Daily for Modifications to the Guidelines
      9. Confirm the Due Date Time and Time Zone
      10. Hit Submit
    2. Chapter 24: Ten Steps to Making Grant Writing Your Career
      1. Get Trained
      2. Research the Salary Ranges for Grantwriters
      3. Determine the Fees for Your Services as a Consultant
      4. Stay Updated on Grant Industry Trends
      5. Join a Professional Association and Get Certified
      6. Continue to Hone Your Research and Writing Skills
      7. Ask to Join a Grantwriting Team
      8. Get a Consulting Coach
      9. Use Updated Technology
      10. Network Like a Pro
    3. Chapter 25: Ten Ways to Continue Being Viewed as a Grant Professional
      1. Take on New Challenges
      2. Volunteer Your Services
      3. Become a Grant Research Specialist
      4. Become a Peer Reviewer
      5. Do Copyediting for Other Grantwriters
      6. Work with an Experienced Grantwriter
      7. Attend National Professional Development Training
      8. Review Successful Grant Applications Online
      9. Write and Publish Articles That Require Extensive Research
      10. Continue Your Formal Education
  11. Index
  12. About the Author
  13. Connect with Dummies
  14. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Grant Writing For Dummies, 7th Edition
  • Author(s): Beverly A. Browning
  • Release date: March 2022
  • Publisher(s): For Dummies
  • ISBN: 9781119868071