Chapter 22
Requesting Matching Funds and Other Goodies from Corporate Grantmakers
Soliciting for the right types of contributions
Establishing funder communications
Writing a winning corporate request letter
Following up with the letter’s recipient
Many Fortune 500 corporations and smaller corporations reduce the taxes they pay on their bottom-line profits by creating community reinvestment programs that give away money, goods, and services to nonprofits and units of government located in or near corporate headquarters and operating locations. When a company’s end-of-financial-year profit is $5 million, it can give away 5 percent of the profits in the form of deductible contributions (according to Uncle Sam). In many regions across the country, this annual transition of taxable to non-taxable dollars drives big bucks into small and large communities. Grassroots nonprofits, mid- to large-size nonprofits, and units of municipal government can request matching funds and a myriad of program-related items.
How can your organization get a piece of a corporation’s philanthropy ...
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