Dr. Samir Husni has seen his share of magazines come and go. A journalism
professor at the University of Mississippi whos commonly known as Mr.
Magazine, Husni publishes annual reports tracking the success of new
magazines and speaks to hundreds of reporters each year regarding maga-
zines’ positions in the market.
Designing for Success
Q&A with Samir Husni
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Q: The role of design in magazine publishing has
changed a great deal over the years, from a secondary
consideration in many categories to top priority for
most publications. How has this evolution been influ-
enced by increasing competition on the newsstand?
A: We are a visual society. Everything—not just maga-
zines—is driven by visuals. The magazine industry is
no exception. Magazine design has always been one of
the major determinants of success of any magazine.
However, design, like the magazine cover, helps sell
the magazine once; the content is what will help sell it
a second time. In a time where potential readers are
not willing to give more than two and a half seconds to
decide whether to pick up your magazine or move to
the next one, design is essential in grabbing the atten-
tion of the readers. It must jump at you. That is the
main reason why magazine publishers pay so much at-
tention to the design of their books. It is the icing on
the cake, and if you have good cake, you better spend
some time on the icing so it will be picked up. How-
ever, I am quick to add that good design with a bad
cake will take you nowhere. You will be able to cheat
readers once with design, but that will be the end. Re-
member, the cardinal rule in magazine design should
be “We always sacrifice design on the altar of con-
tent.” Readers will always forgive a flaw in the design;
they will not in content. There are too many options
out there.
Graphic Design That Works
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