Appendix F. Solutions to Chapter Exercises

A solution is provided for each exercise in the book. Do not look at the solution until you have made a serious effort to solve the exercise! For many problems, there will be several possible solutions in R. If you come up with a solution different from the one provided, try to see if the two solutions are equivalent—do you get the same answer? Why or why not?

Exercises 1-1 Through 1-4

Solutions provided in the chapter.

Exercise 3-1

stripchart(mpg ~ cyl, method = "jitter")

This helps to separate the cars a bit. Now we can see how many cars are in each group.

Not surprisingly, cars with fewer cylinders get better gas mileage.

Exercise 3-2

install.packages("plotrix", dependencies=TRUE)

A type of jittering is automatic. Even so, some values that are very close still run together. One way to deal with this is to make the plot character smaller:

dotplot.mtb(Volume, pch = 20) # or
dotplot.mtb(Volume, pch = ".") # too small!
dotplot.mtb(Volume, pch = "/")  # Hmm...

Exercise 4-1

dotchart(USArrests$Murder, labels = row.names(USArrests))

The state names are so big, they overwrite and become illegible!

Exercise 4-2

load("Nimrod.rda") # .rda shows it was saved as an R data frame


dotchart(Nimrod$time, labels = Nimrod$performer, cex = .5)


 Nimrod2 = Nimrod[order(Nimrod$time),] dotchart(Nimrod2$time, labels = Nimrod2$performer, ...

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