5Inequality systems, committees, (hyper)graphs, and alternative covers

A committee of a rank n infeasible system (2.26),

S := {ai , x > 0: ai , x R n; ai = 1, i [m]; i1 ≠ i2 ai1 ≠ ai2} ,

of homogeneous strict linear inequalities over the real Euclidean space R n, introduced on page 33, is defined as a finite set of vectors K R n {0} satisfying the relation

|{x K: ai , x > 0}| > |K| , for every vector ai, i [m].

As earlier, we will denote by J := {Js [m] : s [q]} the family of the multi-indices of all MFSs of the system .

Among the techniques that are used in the committee method is the extracting minimal infeasible and ...

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