Chapter 24

Ten Ways to Build Your Skills with the Online Exams


Bullet Building endurance

Bullet Getting used to taking computer-based tests

Bullet Practicing your skills and field-testing your strategies

Bullet Gearing up for the actual experience

Sure, you can answer the questions on the GRE. You’ve mastered the manipulation of a decimal, the measurement of a quarter circle, and the elimination of the wrong verbal answer choice. This, however, does you no good if you can’t handle the test-taking experience. The GRE challenges two things: your ability to answer the questions and your ability to take the exam. Most students focus on the former while ignoring the latter, but being able to answer the questions is only half of what you need. The other half requires that you hone your test-taking skills, and the best way to do this is to take the online GRE practice exams. Here are ten suggestions on how to build your skills with the online GRE practice exams. (See Chapter 3 for details on ETS’s Powerprep software that simulates a real-life GRE.)

Take an Exam in One Sitting to Build Stamina

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