CHAPTER 2Understanding transformation

Before proceeding too far into a book on transformation we'd best be on the same page with regards its definition, what is typically driving it, and why it’s hard.

If you're a leader, or you aspire to be one, then you must care about transformation.

You should understand the elements of transformation and what’s involved because there’s not a single industry that’s not undergoing significant change. Strong forces such as technology and innovation, industry forces, societal forces and even internally generated forces unique to each company, are continually placing pressure on the business models of many organisations. There's no sign of this abating, so we've not reached peak change in society or business yet, and it's inevitable that you'll be faced with transformation.

If you're seeking to embrace transformation, you should also acknowledge that transformation is difficult. Leaders have long grappled with transformation in different societal, military and business contexts. Leading transformation has not become inherently easier.

Acknowledging that transformation is difficult, it's important to understand why it's difficult. Transformation is difficult because the status quo never has to argue its own case. There are many deeply ingrained and hard-wired ways of being within every organisation that actively resists change, and many organisations are also filled with executive personalities who actively resist change.

A successful transformation ...

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