Chapter 3. Green Journeys in Action

In This Chapter

  • Going green for decades

  • Taking the green challenge

  • Leveraging natural resources

  • Innovating from inside

In this book, we tell you about all kinds of things you can do to green your IT. Although general green IT principles are fine, we think it really helps to hear what others have done — to see where real people have made real changes. This chapter introduces some examples of taking green action.


Green is not a destination; if anything is evident in these stories, what's evident is the ongoing process and the growing involvement and commitment of the folks who are on the journey. We find the stories inspiring and hope you do, too. If you have one of your own or are beginning one and want us to help you chronicle it, please write to us at .

Big Blue Goes Green

Some companies have been taking an active hand in guiding how their business affects the surrounding environment, both natural and civic. This approach, known as corporate responsibility or corporate citizenship, started early in the green movement (then known as the ecology movement) with policies that set green goals for business practices. The IBM Corporation — the original IT giant — has been involved in green IT for decades, so its experience is worth a closer look.

Establishing the track record

IBM sounded the keynote for green IT when it published its first environmental-protection goals in 1971. Tom Watson, Jr.'s corporate policy statement called for IBM ...

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