Quick Reference

Character Representations


Two-digit hexadecimal code. \x{20} represents the space character


Four-digit hexadecimal code (Unicode): \x{0020} represents the space character

\N{unicode name}

Unicode names. \N{Latin small letter a with ogonek} represents ą. The Unicode’s name is case-insensitive, but it matches case-sensitively. Thus, both \N{latin small letter a with ogonek} and \N{Latin Small letter A with ogonek} match ą.

Character Classes 1: Standard Classes

I call these classes “standard” for lack of a better term. They were part of the first implementations of GREP, and of the three types of class, to this day the standard classes are the easiest to use.


A single character or a group of characters


Exclude single character or a group of characters


Any character except paragraph break


Word character: letters, digits, and underscore


Non-word character


Lowercase letter


Non-lowercase letter


Uppercase letter


Non-uppercase letter






Horizontal space: all spaces and tabs


Non-horizontal space characters


Whitespace character: all spaces, tabs, and returns


Non-whitespace character


Vertical space: break characters—paragraph break, forced line break, page, column, frame breaks.


Whatever is not \v

Character Classes 2: Posix Expressions

There is much overlap between the Posix class and the standard class. Most Posix expressions listed here can ...

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