Part II
The Growth Champions
The companies we have profiled are those that, over the years, have chosen to do the right things and do them well. They have not just followed the mainstream and kept up with their peers. They are the companies that have pushed the boundaries; the ones that have challenged convention – the ones that have reinvented themselves and how they run their operations. In a world where access to knowledge has created an increasingly level playing field, they have been brave enough to try new things, learn from the associated experiences, and adopt successful practices into their activities.
With over a decade of analysis of innovation and growth performance to draw on, we have chosen to profile the companies that have consistently made the most of their innovation resources. These are not necessarily the ones that spend most on innovation or those that make the most noise about their innovation activities. They are a distinct group that, over time, has delivered the greatest impact in relation to the resources that they have deployed.
Using the past 10 years of Innovation Leaders' analysis, we have identified 20 organizations that have consistently delivered sustained growth ahead of their peers. Combining detailed analysis of their performance from public data with internal insights we have highlighted the companies that have been able to deal with the big ...
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