Chapter 10

Managing the Growth Process


Bullet Working from week to week

Bullet Working from month to month

Bullet Working from quarter to quarter

Your company’s North Star Metric and the growth model you develop informs your objectives and tests, but you also need a growth process in place so that you can keep on top of all the various moving pieces in a way that lets you feel confident that you’re always focusing on the right things. This growth process, like all of growth hacking, is iterative, systematic, and data-informed.

Establishing a Weekly Routine

When I worked at GrowthHackers, only one recurring meeting involved all members of the growth team: the weekly growth meeting. It included the CEO, the head of growth, and the heads of all departments. All key stakeholders were expected to attend this meeting. Others were asked to attend on an as-needed basis. The growth meeting was commonly referred to as the company’s “most expensive meeting” because, for an hour every week, the opportunity cost of having more than five people attending a single meeting was quite high. So, the meeting had to have a high return on investment.

Over my more than three years at GrowthHackers, the ...

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