ACT. See Entrepreneurial activity sub-index

ASP. See Entrepreneurial aspiration sub-index

ATT. See Entrepreneurial attitude sub-index

Attitudes, entrepreneurial, 38

BIQ. See Bloomberg Innovation Quotient

Bloomberg Innovation Quotient (BIQ), 64–68

Business activities, 80–81

Business strategy, 84–85

City Momentum Index (CMI), 72–73

Climate for entrepreneurship, 32

CMI. See City Momentum Index

Cognitive dimension, 34

Commercial real estate momentum, 72

Country’s institutional profile, 33–34

Distinctive capabilities, 104

Dynamic companies, 21

Dynamic entrepreneurs, 22

Dynamic ventures, 20–21

Efficiency enhancers, 32

Emerging companies

business activities, 80–81

business strategy, 84–85

challenges for, 106–108

change and transition within, ...

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