Chapter 1

Navigating the Fretboard and Building Triads


Bullet Memorizing notes on strings 6 and 5

Bullet Getting familiar with whole steps, half steps, sharps, and flats

Bullet Using octave shapes and playing intervals

Bullet Building a triad and chord on each major scale degree

Bullet Access the audio tracks and video clips at

Believe it or not, mastering the guitar fretboard doesn’t require you to memorize every single note on it. Guitar players may play notes all over the neck, but they usually navigate by using shapes and patterns based mainly on the notes on strings 6 and 5.

In the first part of this chapter, you get to know the natural notes along strings 6 and 5 and then use them to track everything else you play on the fretboard with octaves. You see the difference between a half step and a whole step and find out how to fill in the gaps between natural notes with flats and sharps. Finally, you explore intervals and octaves and discover which songs can help you ...

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