13.7. Localization of dates, times, and currencies
If you’ve lived in only one locale, the idea that dates, numbers, and times might be written and read by users in a different way than you do might come as a surprise. But we’ve got plenty of examples. Start writing times as 4:15 P.M., and although it’s understandable, most Europeans will have to take an extra brain cycle to realize you mean 16:15; whereas write 16:15, and most Americans will need that extra brain cycle to realize you mean 4:15 P.M. Similarly, is the date 8/2 the 8th of February or August 2? Or, would an English speaker understand that the number 50.000 000 presented in German is 50 million and not 50 to 6-decimal precision?
Although we can all cope with things written differently ...
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