Appendix B. Resources
The official Kubernetes documentation
The Kubernetes community on GitHub
Container Security by Liz Rice (O’Reilly)
Kubernetes: Up and Running by Kelsey Hightower, Brendan Burns, and Joe Beda (O’Reilly)
Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes by John Arundel and Justin Domingus (O’Reilly)
Managing Kubernetes by Brendan Burns and Craig Tracey (O’Reilly)
Kubernetes Cookbook by Sébastien Goasguen and Michael Hausenblas (O’Reilly)
Cybersecurity Ops with bash by Paul Troncone and Carl Albing (O’Reilly)
Further Reading by Chapter
For Chapter 1 we suggest the following resources:
Open Source Intelligence Methods and Tools: A Practical Guide to Online Intelligence by Nihad Hassan and Rami Hijazi (Apress)
The Tao of Open Source Intelligence by Stewart Bertram (IT Governance Publishing)
“SANS SEC487: Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) Gathering and Analysis”
For Chapter 2 we suggest the following resources:
Google Cloud’s “Why Container Security Matters to Your Business”
“Attacking Kubernetes Clusters Through Your Network Plumbing”
Further, tooling relevant in this context:
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