
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” refers to figures.


Apache server
default web page, 53
starting, stopping, and restarting, 52, 53
APT package handling utility, 27–30See also Debian package manager
installing applications
auto remove, 29
autoclean, 30
clean, 30
distribution upgrade, 28–29
purge, 29
remove, 29
updates, 28
upgrade, 28
Arachni web application scanner, 158
scanning, 160f
starting, 159f
using, 158–160
web page, 159f
Attack vectors vs. attack types, 132–133


Backdoors, 168, 171–178
detectability of antivirus, 177, 178f
encoded Trojan horse, creating, 174–175, 175f
executable binary from encoded payload, creating, 174, 174f
executable binary from unencoded payload, creating, 172–173 ...

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