Chapter 8. Performance Tuning

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Tuning the operating system
  • Tuning the disk
  • Tuning the network
  • Tuning HDFS
  • Tuning Namenode
  • Tuning Datanode
  • Configuring YARN for performance
  • Configuring MapReduce for performance
  • Hive performance tuning
  • Benchmarking Hadoop cluster

In this chapter, we will configure a Hadoop cluster with different parameters and see its effect on performance. There is no one way of doing things and if a particular setting works on one cluster, it does not necessarily mean that it will work for the other cluster with different hardware or work load.


This being a recipe book, we will not be covering a lot of theory, but it is recommended to build a background on the things we are going to ...

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