Chapter 9. HBase Administration

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Setting up single node HBase cluster
  • Setting up multi-node HBase cluster
  • Inserting data into HBase
  • Integration with Hive
  • HBase administration commands
  • HBase backup and restore
  • Tuning HBase
  • HBase upgrade
  • Migrating data from MySQL to HBase using Sqoop


Apache HBase is a non-relational distributed, scalable key-value data store. It provides random read/write, real-time access to HDFS.

In this chapter, we will configure the various modes of the HBase cluster. In simple terms, it is a Hadoop database based on column families with massive scale. The important thing to note is that having a column family does not make it column oriented or NoSQL. There is a common misconception, ...

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