Chapter 15

Operating Away from Home


Bullet Building a mobile station

Bullet Operating with a portable station

Bullet Enjoying Field Day

The equipment available to today’s hams for operating away from home is the best ever; it’s small, it’s lightweight; it’s efficient. This makes it easier than ever to have fun with ham radio from your car, campsite, or even while taking a hike! If you like being outdoors, visiting new places, and taking the occasional road trip, you can mix in a little ham radio! This chapter introduces you to the first steps and points you at resources to take you the rest of the way.

Mobile Stations

“Goin’ mo-byle” has returned to ham radio in a big way — hams are activating rare counties, parks, and grid squares from mobile stations as good as those at home! State QSO parties and OTA (“on the air”) programs have created a great demand for the mobile-er. Whether you have a station at home or not, operating on the road offers challenges and opportunities all its own.

HF mobile radios

Recognizing the rapid growth in mobile and portable operation, most manufacturers offer small, rugged radios. Each year, more bands and better features are crammed into these amazing ...

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