26 Metrics, Auditing, and Management Review in the LAPP

26.1 RBPS Element 18: Measurement and Metrics

The purpose of this element is to define appropriate measures and to track the effectiveness of the management system elements. To implement this element properly, procedures should outline how to collect data, verify its quality, and report on a regular schedule in a format readily usable for management review.

26.1.1 Leading and Lagging Metrics

Metrics are a key component of continuous improvement in process safety performance. It is important for organizations to implement effective leading and lagging process safety metrics.

  • Lagging Metrics – a retrospective set of metrics that are based on incidents that meet an established threshold of severity
  • Near Miss Metrics – a set of metrics based on incidents with little or no consequences (Lagging) or from proactive system performance evaluations and observations (Leading)
  • Leading Metrics – a forward‐looking set of metrics which indicate the performance of the key programs, operating discipline, or layers of protection that prevent incidents [181]

External regulatory agencies often require reporting of spills, releases, and/or incidents that result in personnel injury or fatality. Incident / incident metrics are examples of lagging metrics. They can be helpful for tracking process safety performance in the LAPP. Introducing leading metrics into the LAPP can more the organization into a more proactive stance, and allows for ...

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