Abarbanell, J.S., 453
Acharya, V., 475, 478, 479
Adams, R., 294n
Afshar, K.A., 442
Agapos, A.M., 452
Aggarwal, R.K., 32, 381n, 501, 505, 507, 509n, 510, 513, 515, 517, 518, 520, 521, 523, 524, 526, 532
Aghion, P., 245, 351n
Agrawal, A., 35, 382
Aharony, J., 36
Ahn, S., 454
Akbulut, M.E., 298n
Akdogu, E., 322, 392, 392n, 395, 397
Akhavein, J.D., 390n
Aktas, N., 316n, 395, 397, 402
Alchian, A.A., 435
Alderson, M.J., 250
Alexander, G., 445
Alford, A., 102, 103
Allen, F., 42, 105, 106, 109, 237n
Allen, J.W., 451, 454, 455, 455n, 457, 459, 460
Alli, K., 450
Almeida, H., 177
Alti, A., 182, 183
Altman, E.I., 215, 218, 250
Altshuler, R., 95, 97–99
Alworth, J., 77
Ambrose, K.W., 300n
Amess, K., 477
Amihud, ...

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