Chapter 18
Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Department of Engineering and Public Policy,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890, USA
Abstract 938
Keywords 938
1. Overview 939
2. Origins 940
2.1. Psychophysics stream 940
2.1.1. History 940
2.1.2. Design framework 941
2.1.3. Evaluative extensions 943
2.2. Decision theory stream 945
2.3. Confluence 948
3. Evaluating environmental changes 949
3.1. Psychophysics stream 949
3.2. Decision theory stream 952
4. A cognitive approach to eliciting stated preferences for environmental outcomes 956
5. Conclusions 963
6. Contingent valuation: a postscript 963
References 964
Handbook of Environmental Economics, Volume 2. Edited by K.-G. Mäler and J.R. Vincent
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
DOI: 10.1016/S1574-0099(05)02018-8
938 B. Fischhoff
Cognitive psychology is best known, to many environmental economists, through the
filter of acrimonious debates over the validity of contingent valuation methods (CVM).
Psychologists’ views on CVM reflect concerns that are deeply rooted in their profes-
sion’s history and theories. Although psychologists have participated in some CVM
studies, their roles have rarely allowed them to present a comprehensive design phi-
losophy, illustrated in actual studies. This chapter sets psychologists’ critiques and
alternatives within a general cognitive perspective on value elicitation, including stated
preferences for environmental goods. It begins with a historical review, organized
around two converging streams of psychological research. One stream leads from psy-
chophysics to attitude research. The second leads from decision theory to decision
analysis and behavioral decision research. The next section reports some environmen-
tal valuation studies arising from each tradition. These studies do not directly monetize
environmental goods. However, they can still directly inform policies that do not re-
quire monetization and indirectly inform policies that do, by shaping studies with that
ambition. The following section considers the role of cognitive studies in helping in-
vestigators to know what issues matter to people and present them comprehensibly. The
concluding section of the chapter presents a cognitive approach to stated preference
methods for environmental values one that could be developed most fully in collab-
oration with economists. It is built around a cognitive task analysis of the four main
elements in any evaluation process: (a) specifying the valuation question, (b) under-
standing its terms, (c) articulating a value for that specific question (from more general
basic values), and (d) expressing that value in a public form.
environment, preferences, elicitation, values, uncertainty
JEL classification: Q51, C9

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