n indicates citation in a footnote.
Abala, D.O. 839
Abdalla, C.W. 549, 664
Acharya, G. 643
Acton, J.P. 833, 1073
Adamowicz, W.L. 538n, 721, 734–736, 738,
738n, 866, 895n
Adamowicz, W.L., see Boxall, P.C. 731, 738,
Adamowicz, W.L., see Fletcher, J. 693n, 747
Adamowicz, W.L., see Hanley, N.D. 895n
Adamowicz, W.L., see Holmes, T.P. 895n
Adamowicz, W.L., see Peters, T. 702, 708
Adams, J. 1091n
Adams, R.L. 678
Adams, R.M., see Garcia, P. 623
Adams, R.M., see Mjelde, J.W. 636
Ahuja, V. 666
Ainslie, J.A., see Louviere, J.J. 893n
Ajzen, I. 951
Akerlof, G. 919n, 991
Alberini, A. 632, 879, 888–890, 901, 1078
Alberini, A., see Cropper, M.L. 1077
Alberini, A., see Simon, N.B. 1079n
Albers, H.J. 575, 590, 592n, 593
Ali, R.M., see Vincent, J.R. 1078
Allais, M. 980
Ames, B.N. 1048n, 1050, 1050n, 1051, 1054
Ames, B.N., see Gold, L.S. 1050
Anderson, D. 644
Anderson, K. 1094
Anderson, R.W. 775n
Andrews, D.W.K. 801, 801n
Anglin, P.M. 788
Anselin, L. 791, 792n, 793
Anselin, L., see Kim, C.W. 794
Aranda, C., see Ostro, B.D. 1077
Arnould, R. 1071, 1072
Arora, S., see Cropper, M.L. 1077
Arora, S., see Simon, N.B. 1079n
Arrow, K.J. 571, 574, 585n, 590, 592, 599,
633, 829n, 832, 841, 890, 895, 939, 952, 1020
Asabere, P.K. 797
Assane, D., see Morey, E.R. 728n
Atkinson, A.C. 889n
Atkinson, S.E. 790
Atman, C., see Morgan, M.G. 956, 961
Audience Research, Inc. 829
Aune, J.B., see Brekke, K.A. 623, 643
Ausness, R., see Randall, A. 837
Austin, L., see Beyth-Marom, R. 951
Avaliani, S., see Larson, B.A. 1077, 1078
Axelrod, L.J., see McDaniels, T.L. 722
Ayer, M. 875, 886
Azevedo, C.D. 866n
Baerenklau, K.A., see Provencher, B. 732, 735
Bagnoli, M., see Prince, R. 1013
Bailar, B.A. 719
Bailey, M.J. 796
Baker, R.M., see Bound, J. 801
Balick, M.J., see Mendelsohn, R. 634
Balistreri, E. 1006
Banks, J. 996n, 1003
Banzhaf, H.S. 745
Banzhaf, H.S., see Sieg, H. 561n, 782n, 808,
809, 809n
Banzhaf, H.S., see Smith, V.K. 552, 552n, 689,
740, 810n
Barbier, E.B. 521n, 623
Baron, M., see Shechter, M. 831, 832n
Barrett, L.B. 832n
Barrows, R., see Gardner, K. 783
Barry, R., see Pace, R.K. 791n, 793
Bartik, T.J. 542, 544–546, 548, 560, 561, 662,
766, 774, 782, 800, 801n, 1080, 1080n
Bartlett, R.C. 961
Bastian, C.T. 783
Bateman, I.J. 724, 825, 871n, 873n, 895n, 901,
914, 1012
Battalio, R. 1006
Bausell, R.B. 901n
Bayer, P.B. 808, 810
Beardsley, P.L. 835
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