acid rain, 623
adding-up test, 910, 914
adequate margin of safety, 1089
agricultural land values, 783
agriculture, 623, 634, 639, 650
ample margin of safety, 1089
anchor, 947
anchoring, 1057
animal bioassay studies, 1034
Antonelli inverse demands, 778
Arrow–Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion,
574, 579, 584
articulated values, 944
assignment model, 783
attitude–behavior consistency, 951
availability heuristic, 1056
average daily dose (ADD), 1040
averting behavior, 545, 556, 662, 1062, 1091
bandwidth, 787
basic values, 944
– expected utility theory, 1055
– learning, 1055
– updating, 573, 595
Becker–DeGroot–Marschak mechanism, 983
behavioral decision research, 945
Bellman equation, 611
benefit function, 775
benefit–cost analysis, 522, 536, 829, 907, 1082
benefit–cost tests, 1082
benefits transfer, 750, 1060, 1077
bequest value, 867
– contours, 769
– design, 889
– function, 559, 768, 772
bidding game, 832, 870
biodiversity, 993
Bishop–Heberlein utility model, 851, 853
boundary conditions, 614
Box–Cox model, 850, 852
bureau of labor statistics (BLS), 1068
calibration, 1007
carcinogens, 1032, 1033, 1036, 1050
cascading conservatism, 1047
cheap talk, 1010
choice experiment, 872, 880, 894
clean air act, 1089
– amendments, 1088
clean water act, 682, 1088, 1089
climate change, 993, 999
closed-ended, single-bound discrete choice
format, 848
cognitive biases, 1051
cognitive processes, 992
cognitive psychology, 939
compensated demand functions, 529, 530, 550
compensated inverse demands, 778
compensating valuation, 776
compensating variation, 527, 545, 548, 550, 578,
626, 627, 710, 845
compensation principle, 526
comprehensive environmental response
compensation, and liability act, 1088
conditional logit, 803
conjoint analysis, 540
consumer surplus, 530, 533, 689, 739
– behavior, 866
– – questions, 539
– ranking, 539
– valuation, 682, 737, 824, 939, 952, 963, 971,
996, 1003, 1006, 1011, 1017, 1031, 1074
– – method, 539
contract studies, 957
contraction mapping, 810
contribution game, 1013
corner solution models, 672, 712
correlogram, 791
cost of illness, 546
– approach, 1061
cost–benefit analysis, 939, 985, 1045, 1095
cost-effective regulations, 1085
cost-effectiveness, 1045, 1082
count data demand system models, 728
I-24 Subject Index
count data models, 727
CVM-X method, 1007
damage assessments, 939
damage function, 642, 645
data collection, 718
decision analysis, 945
decision theory, 945, 952
defensive expenditures, 545, 546, 556, 663
deforestation, 630
Delaney clause, 1032
demand systems, 728
developing countries, 624, 642, 657, 839, 901,
development, 590
dichotomous choice method, 1014
direct representation, 791
direct utility function, 845
directional distance function, 775
disability-adjusted life year (DALY), 1069
discounted lost life expectancy (LLE), 1085
discrete choice, 556
– models, 765, 770, 772, 802, 887
discrete–continuous choices, 716
distance function, 775
distance measurement, 724
dose–response, 643
– assessment, 1033, 1037
– curve, 1037
– function, 1046
double-bounded approach, 871
double-bounded dichotomous choice format,
dual-process theories, 952
dynamic models, 734
dynamic programming, 734
eco-tourism, 725
ecological economics, 633
– efficiency, 1058
– experiment, 917
– value, 520
ecosystem services, 521, 633
ecosystems, 590, 626, 632
ecotourism, 839
elicitation, 938
– formats, 881
Ellsberg paradox, 1046
embedding, 1010
endogeneity, 800
endowment effect, 982
entrance fees, 683
environment, 938
– attitudes, 950
– health risk, 1031
– Kuznets curve, 624
– quality, 532, 765, 798
epidemiological studies, 1034
epistemic uncertainty, 947
equivalent valuation, 776
equivalent variation, 527, 578, 626, 627, 845
essential input, 659
Europe, 683
European Union, 1043
existence value, 832, 835, 862
expected surplus, 868
expected utility model, 1063
expected utility theory, 985, 1055
expenditure function, 527, 533, 545, 659, 688,
740, 775, 846
experimental economics, 971
experimental psychology, 940
exposure assessment, 1033, 1039
extensive margin choices, 742
externalities, 631
Exxon Valdez, 840
federal water pollution control act, 1089
– amendments, 1088
fish, 624, 646, 649, 700
fishery, 634, 638, 639, 651
fishing, 722, 729
focus groups, 899
forest, 590, 593, 609, 614
forestry, 623, 655
framing, 1013
framing effects, 1010
free-rider behavior, 994
free-riding problem, 915
generalized extreme value (GEV)
– distribution, 803
– error structure, 714
gist studies, 957
global warming, 603
green net national product, 626
greenhouse gases, 590, 603
habit formation model, 734
hazard identification, 1033, 1034

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