Project Status Report

Site Visit No. 5
Sample Project
South Salem, New York
February 14, 2016
ABC Project No. V5221
February 14, 2016
Mr. John Doe,
Assistant Vice President
Client, Inc.
222 Main Mall
White Plains, New York 12603
(914) 444-4444 (tel), (914) 444-4441 (fax)
(914) 444-4444 (tel)
(914) 444-4441 (fax)
Sent-by-Fax & U.S. Mail
Re: ABC Project No. V5221
Sample Project
South Salem, New York
Dear Mr. Doe:

A. Status of Construction

The project was visited on February 12, 2016 by ABC International. A copy of the Borrower’s Application No. 1, dated February 11, 2016, was received on February 12, 2016. At the time of our site visit, it was partly cloudy with the ...

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