Abbreviated Property Condition Report

Remington Apartments
2100 Stanford Square
Dulles, Virginia
XYZB Customer No. V36358
Prepared for:
XYZ National Bank
Charlotte, North Carolina
October 21, 2015
ABC Project No. V76817

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1. Purpose

ABC International, Inc. (“ABC”) was retained by XYZ National Bank (“XYZB”) to render an opinion as to the Subject’s current, general physical condition as of the day of our site visit in general accordance with the scope and terms of our agreement with XYZB.
XYZ National Bank and its affiliates (collectively, “XYZB”), rating agencies and certain limited investors involved in the Securitization (as defined below), may use and rely upon this appraisal in connection with a planned loan securitization involving ...

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