Chapter 94
Use of ARPACK and EIGS
D. C. Sorensen
Rice University
ARPACK is a library of Fortran77 subroutines designed to compute a selected subset of the eigenvalues of a large matrix. It is based upon a limited storage scheme called the implicitly restarted Arnoldi method (IRAM) [Sor92]. This software can solve large-scale non-Hermitian or Hermitian (standard and generalized) eigenvalue problems. The IRA method is described in Chapter 57.
This chapter describes the design and performance features of the eigenvalue software ARPACK and gives a brief discussion of usage. More detailed descriptions are available in the papers [Sor92] and [Sor02] and in the ARPACK Users' Guide [LSY98].
The design goals were robustness, efficiency, and portability. ...
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