Conclusions and Directions for Future Research
The objective of this chapter has been to reduce the conceptual confusion in the organizational learning, knowledge management, dynamic capabilities, and absorptive capacity fields by providing synthesis and integration of these closely related concepts. To achieve this purpose, we have critically reviewed previous research in an effort to understand how these literatures fit together and how they can be integrated into a more meaningful conceptual model for both academics and practitioners. We propose the present framework as an instrument to facilitate communication between researchers. It is not our intent to force fit the model, but to build on previous research to open up the possibility for provocative and creative dialogue that will further develop this integrative model.
A key contribution of this chapter has been to sketch the boundaries of each of the field’s domains. The conclusion from Figure 8.2 was that the fields greatly overlap. Although there are topics that are mainly being studied by one field (e.g. the knowledge-based view of the firm in KM, or how processes can be a source of sustainable competitive advantage in DC) and topics in which one community is more advanced in its theoretical development (e.g. a multilevel theory of learning in OL, and the specific importance of acquiring external knowledge for innovation in AC), there are also multiple topics that are being studied by OL, KM, DC, and AC researchers at ...
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