
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.


Access, wireless interface, 273–274
Access methods, 23
ACCESS.bus protocol, 67–68
Actuator Sensor Interface (AS-i), 39
bus line modulation, 41f
master to slaves transmission and slave response frame, 42f
Adaptive Voltage Scaling Bus (AVSBus), 68
Advanced Encryption Standard AES-128, 274
Alternate mark inversion (AMI), 124
Alternating pulse modulation (APM), 40
Amplitude modulation (AM), 235, 236, 236f
Amplitude shift keying (ASK), 239–240, 240f, 271
Analog amplitude modulation, 236, 236f
Analog frequency modulation, 238, 239f
Apple lightning connector, 190f
Arbitration field, 49–50
Asynchronous transmission, 17–19, 17f
Automatic gain control (AGC),

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