Chapter 10

Environmental sampling and bio-decontamination—Recent progress, challenges, and future direction

Vipin K. Rastogia; Lalena Wallaceb    a U.S. Army Futures Command—Combat Capabilities Development Command, Chemical Biological Center, Edgewood, MD, United Statesb DTRA, CB Research Center of Excellence Division, APG, Edgewood, MD, United States


Bioterrorism has been considered a stark reality since the mailing of Bacillus anthracis spores via the United States Postal Service right after 9/11. Spores of B. anthracis cause anthrax disease in animals and humans, and the infectious dose varies from a few (1–10) to 1000 spores, depending on the age, sex, and immunity of the affected individuals. In the event of a large-scale ...

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