Chapter 4. Developing the FastAPI Code

In Chapter 3, you created your database and the Python code to access the database. In this chapter, you build on this foundation code to create a working API. Table 4-1 lists the endpoints that you will create to fulfill these user stories:

Table 4-1. Endpoints for the SWC Fantasy Football API
Endpoint description HTTP verb URL

API health check



Read player list



Read individual player



Read performance list



Read league list



Read individual league



Read team list



You are using version zero for your API. This will notify API consumers that the product is changing rapidly and they should be aware of potential breaking changes — changes that cause functionality to stop working, and may require consumers to make changes in their program code.

Continuing Your Portfolio Project

Figure 4-1 shows the same API components you saw previously, with one addition: the Uvicorn web server. Uvicorn will execute your API code and interact with API requests.

API components with Uvicorn
Figure 4-1. API components with Uvicorn

In Chapter 3, you completed two very important parts of the API: the SQLite database and the SQLAlchemy classes that enable Python to interact with the data. In this chapter, you will finish the rest of the components. You will create Pydantic schemas which define the structure of request and response messages. Then you will create the controlling FastAPI application, that stitches all the other components together to finish the API.

Software Used In This Chapter

The software introduced in this chapter will focus on handling API requests from your consumers. Table 4-2 displays the new tools you will use:

Table 4-2. News tools used in this chapter
Software name Version Purpose



Web framework to build the API



Command line interface for FastAPI



HTTP client for Python



Validation library



Web server to run the API


FastAPI is a Python web framework that is designed for building APIs. A web framework is a set of libraries that simplify common tasks for web applications. Other common web frameworks include Express, Flask, Django, and Ruby on Rails.

FastAPI is built to be fast in both application performance and developer productivity. Because FastAPI focuses on API development, it simplifies several tasks related to API building and publishing:

  • It handles HTTP traffic, requests/responses, and other “plumbing” jobs with a few lines of code.

  • It automatically generates an OpenAPI specification file for your API, which is useful for integrating with other products.

  • It includes interactive documentation for your API.

  • It supports API versioning, security, and many other capabilities.

As you will see as you work through the portfolio project, all of these capabilities provide benefits to the users of your APIs.

Compared to the other frameworks I mentioned, FastAPI is a relative newcomer. It is an open-source project created by Sebastián Ramírez Montaño in 2018.

As of version 0.111.0, FastAPI also includes the FastAPI CLI. This is a separate Python library that is used to run FastAPI from the command line.

For your project, you will use version 0.111 of FastAPI. That version number is important because according to semantic versioning, the 0.x indicates that breaking changes may occur with the software.


HTTPX is a Python HTTP client. It is similar to the very popular requests library, but it supports asynchronous calls, which allows some tasks to finish while others process. requests only supports synchronous calls, which wait until they receive a response before continuing. HTTPX is used by Pytest to test FastAPI programs. You will also use this library in Chapter 7 to create your Python SDK.


Pydantic is a data validation library, which will play a key part in the APIs that you build. Because APIs are used to communicate between systems, a critical piece of their functionality is the validation of inputs and outputs. API developers and data scientists typically spend a significant amount of time writing the code to check the data types and validate values that go into and out of the API endpoints.

Pydantic is purpose-built to address this important task. Similar to FastAPI, Pydantic is fast in two ways: it saves the developer time that would be spent to write custom Python validation code, and Pydantic validation code runs much faster because it is implemented in the Rust programming language.

In addition to these benefits, objects defined in Pydantic automatically support tooltips and hints in IDEs such as Visual Studio Code. FastAPI uses Pydantic to generate JSON Schema representations from Python code. JSON Schema is a standard that ensures consistency in JSON data structures. This Pydantic feature enables FastAPI to automatically generate the OpenAPI specification, which is an industry-standard file describing APIs.

For your project, you will use Pydantic version 2.4.


All web applications, including APIs, rely on a web server to handle the various administrative tasks related to handling requests and responses. You will be using the open-source Uvicorn web server. Uvicorn is based on the ASGI specification, which provides support for both synchronous processes (which block the process while waiting for a task to be performed) and asychronous processes (which can allow another process to continue while they are waiting).

For your project, you will be using Uvicorn 0.23.

Copying Files From Chapter 3

To continue your portfolio project where you left it in the previous chapter, change the directory to chapter4 and then copy the previous chapter’s files over to it. The following shows the commands and expected output:

.../portfolio-project (main) $ cd chapter4
.../chapter4 (main) $ cp ../chapter3/*.py .
.../chapter4 (main) $ cp ../chapter3/fantasy_data.db .
.../chapter4 (main) $ cp ../chapter3/requirements.txt .
.../chapter4 (main) $ ls *.*  fantasy_data.db  requirements.txt

Installing the New Libraries in Your Codespace

In the previous chapter, you created the requirements.txt file and specified libraries to install using the pip3 package manager in Python. You will now use this process to install Pydantic, FastAPI, and Uvicorn.

Update the requirements.txt to match the following:

#Chapter 4 pip requirements

Execute the following command to install the new libraries in your Codespace and verify that the libraries installed in the previous chapter still exist:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You should see a message that states that these libraries were successfully installed, such as the following:

Installing collected packages: uvicorn, pydantic, httpx, fastapi
Successfully installed fastapi-0.111.0 httpx-0.26.0 pydantic-2.4.2 uvicorn-0.23.2

Creating Python Files for Your API

You will be creating two new Python files, which are detailed in Table 4-3:

Table 4-3. Purpose of the Chapter 4 files
File name Purpose

FastAPI file that defines routes and controls API

Defines the Pydantic classes that validate data sent to the API

Pytest file for the FastAPI program

Creating Pydantic Schemas

The Pydantic classes define the structure of the data that the consumer will receive in their API responses. This uses a software design pattern called data transfer objects (DTO), in which you define a format for transferring data between a producer and consumer, without the consumer needing to know the backend format. In your portfolio project, the backend and frontend classes won’t look significantly different, but using DTOs allows complete flexibility on this point.

Although you define the classes using Python code and your code interacts with them as fully formed Python objects, the consumer will receive them in an HTTP request as a JSON object. FastAPI uses Pydantic to perform the serialization process, which is converting the Python objects into JSON for the API response. This means you do not need to manage serialization in your Python code, which simplifies your program. Pydantic 2 is written in Rust and performs this task much faster than Python could. In addition to performing this de-serialization task, Python also defines the response format in the openapi.json file. This is a standard contract that uses OpenAPI and JSON Schema. This will provide multiple benefits for the consumer, as you will see in subsequent chapters. Pydantic will take data from SQLAlchemy classes and provide it to the API users.


Both SQLAlchemy and Pydantic documentation refer to their classes as models, which may be confusing at times. This is extra confusing for data science work, where models have additional meanings. For clarity, this book will refer to Pydantic schemas and SQLAlchemy models.

Create a file with the following contents named

"""Pydantic schemas"""
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
from typing import List
from datetime import date

class Performance(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    performance_id : int
    player_id : int
    week_number : str
    fantasy_points : float
    last_changed_date : date
class PlayerBase(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)    
    player_id : int
    gsis_id: str
    first_name : str
    last_name : str
    position : str
    last_changed_date : date

class Player(PlayerBase):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    performances: List[Performance] = []

class TeamBase(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    league_id : int
    team_id : int
    team_name : str
    last_changed_date : date

class Team(TeamBase):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    players: List[PlayerBase] = []

class League(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    league_id : int
    league_name : str
    scoring_type : str
    last_changed_date : date
    teams: List[TeamBase] = []

class Counts(BaseModel):
    league_count : int
    team_count : int
    player_count : int

The schemas in this file will be used to form the responses to the API endpoints that you will define next. The primary schemas are directly returned to the endpoints and the secondary schemas are returned as an attribute of the primary schema. For example, the /v0/players/ endpoint returns a list of Player objects (primary), which has an attribute Player.performances (secondary). Table 4-4 shows the mapping between API endpoints and schemas:

Table 4-4. Mapping of schemas to endpoints
Endpoint URL Primary schema Secondary schema

























The Performance class is the first and simplest schema:

class Performance(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    performance_id : int
    player_id : int
    week_number : str
    fantasy_points : float
    last_changed_date : date

This class represents the scoring data that the consumer will receive. From their perspective, a performance is what happens when a player plays in a single week. If you compare the elements of this class to the SQLAlchemy models, you will see that it contains all of the elements that the Performance model contains.

Performance is a subclass of the Pydantic BaseModel class, which provides a lot of built-in capabilities, including validating the data types, converting the Python object to JSON (serializing), raising intelligent errors, and connecting automatically to the SQLAlchemy models.


Notice that the Pydantic data types of individual class elements are assigned with a colon, instead of an equals sign that is used by SQLAlchemy. (This will trip you up if you’re not careful.)

The player data is represented in two schemas: PlayerBase and Player. Breaking the data into two classes allows you to share a limited version of the data in some situations and a full version in others. Here are those two schemas:

class PlayerBase(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    player_id : int
    gsis_id: str
    first_name : str
    last_name : str
    position : str
    last_changed_date : date

class Player(PlayerBase):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    performances: List[Performance] = []

The performance data had a single Performance schema, but the player data has two schemas. PlayerBase is a sub-class of BaseModel, and it has all the player fields except one: the Performance list. Table 4-4 shows that PlayerBase will be used as a secondary schema for the /v0/teams/ endpoint. The reason is simple: reducing the amount of data transmitted in the API call. When the API user retries a list of Team schemas, they want to see all the players on that team without also getting a list of all the scoring performances for all the players.

The full Player schema is a sub-class of PlayerBase and adds the list of Performance objects. This schema is used directly in the /v0/players/ and /v0/players/{player_id}/ endpoints. In those situations, the API user wants a list of scoring performances with the players.

To see the secondary use of PlayerBase, examine the next two schemas:

class TeamBase(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    league_id : int
    team_id : int
    team_name : str
    last_changed_date : date

class Team(TeamBase):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    players: List[PlayerBase] = []

The Team object contains the statement players: List[PlayerBase] = []. As mentioned previously, this means the items in the Team.players are the more limited PlayerBase schema. This is the secondary usage of PlayerBase shown in Table 4-4 in the /v0/teams/ endpoint.

The next class is the League schema:

class League(BaseModel):
    model_config = ConfigDict(from_attributes = True)
    league_id : int
    league_name : str
    scoring_type : str
    last_changed_date : date
    teams: List[TeamBase] = []

By now you probably noticed that League.teams contains TeamBase objects. This is the secondary use of TeamBase used in the /v0/leagues/ endpoint.

Finally, you will create a special-purpose schema to support the analytics provided by the v0/counts/ endpoint. This schema does not directly map to a database table, so it does not include the model_config element. The name of the schema is Counts and it includes the number of league, team, and player records in the API:

class Counts(BaseModel):
    league_count : int
    team_count : int
    player_count : int

At this point, you have designed the DTOs that will be used to send data to the API consumer. You are ready for the final piece: the FastAPI controller class.

Creating Your FastAPI Controller

Now that all of the pieces are in place in the other Python files, you can tie them together with the FastAPI functionality in You can accomplish a lot with only a few lines of FastAPI code.

Create the file with the following contents named

"""FastAPI program - Chapter 4"""
from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from datetime import date

import crud, schemas
from database import SessionLocal

app = FastAPI()

# Dependency
def get_db():
    db = SessionLocal()
        yield db

async def root():
    return {"message": "API health check successful"}

@app.get("/v0/players/", response_model=list[schemas.Player])
def read_players(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None,db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    players = crud.get_players(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name)
    return players

@app.get("/v0/players/{player_id}", response_model=schemas.Player)
def read_player(player_id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    player = crud.get_player(db, player_id=player_id)
    if player is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Player not found")
    return player

@app.get("/v0/performances/", response_model=list[schemas.Performance])
def read_performances(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    performances = crud.get_performances(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date)
    return performances

@app.get("/v0/leagues/{league_id}", response_model=schemas.League)
def read_league(league_id: int,db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    league = crud.get_league(db, league_id = league_id)
    if league is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="League not found")
    return league

@app.get("/v0/leagues/", response_model=list[schemas.League])
def read_leagues(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, league_name: str = None,db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    leagues = crud.get_leagues(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date, league_name=league_name)
    return leagues

@app.get("/v0/teams/", response_model=list[schemas.Team])
def read_teams(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, team_name: str = None, league_id: int = None, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    teams = crud.get_teams(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date, team_name=team_name, league_id=league_id)
    return teams

@app.get("/v0/counts/", response_model=schemas.Counts)
def get_count(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    counts = schemas.Counts(
        league_count = crud.get_league_count(db),
        team_count = crud.get_team_count(db),
        player_count = crud.get_player_count(db))
    return counts

Let’s walk through the code in your FastAPI file. Begin with the imports:

from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI, HTTPException 1
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session 2
from datetime import date 3

import crud, schemas 4
from database import SessionLocal 5

These are methods from the FastAPI library. You will use these to identify this program as a FastAPI application.


The SQLAlchemy Session will be used when this program calls


You will use the date type to query by last changed date.


These imports allow the FastAPI application to reference the SQLAlchemy and Pydantic classes.


This retrieves the shared SessionLocal class that is used to connect to your SQLite database.

Continue reviewing the code:

app = FastAPI()

# Dependency
def get_db():
    db = SessionLocal()
        yield db

In FastAPI, the primary class you will work with is a FastAPI class. This class by default includes the functionality to handle much of the work that an API needs to perform, without requiring you to specify every detail. You create a FastAPI instance and name it app. This will be used in the rest of When you execute your API from the command line using Uvicorn, you will reference main:app referring to the app object in the

You define the get_db() function to create a database session and close the session when you are done with it. This function is used as a dependency in the API routes within

async def root():
    return {"message": "API health check successful"}

The next command is @app.get("/"), which is a decorator. A decorator is a statement that is added above a function definition, to give special attributes to it. In this case, the decorator defines that the async def root() function definition will be a FastAPI request handler.

This function will be called when a consumer accesses the root URL of the API, which is equivalent to /. It will serve as a health check for the entire API by returning a simple message to the consumer. The next statement defines the first endpoint that we have created for your user stories:

@app.get("/v0/players/", response_model=list[schemas.Player])
def read_players(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date | None = None, first_name: str | None = None, last_name: str | None = None,db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    players = crud.get_players(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name)
    return players

Remember that Table 4-1 defined the endpoints that we planned to create as a combination of HTTP verb and URL. With FastAPI these endpoints (also called routes) are defined with the decorators above each function.

The following explains how the HTTP verb and URL are specified in the decorator:

  • HTTP verb: All of these endpoints use the GET verb, which is defined by the @app.get() decorator function.

  • URL: The first parameter of the get() function is the relative URL. For this first endpoint, the URL is /v0/players/.

The second parameter of the decorator is response_model=list[schemas.Player]). This informs FastAPI that the data returned from this endpoint will be a list of Pydantic Player objects, as defined in the file. This information will be included in the OpenAPI specification that FastAPI automatically creates for this API. Consumers can count on the returned data being valid according to this definition.

Let’s look at the function signature that you decorated:

def read_players(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, first_name: str = None, last_name: str = None,db: Session = Depends(get_db)):

Several things are going on in this function. Starting at the end, the db object is a session that is created by the get_db() function defined at the top of this file. By wrapping the function in Depends(), FastAPI handles the call for and gives the Session to your function.

The next two parameters are optional integers with a default value: skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, last_name. These are followed by two optional string parameters that default to +None. These are all named parameters that have a defined datatype and a default value. FastAPI will automatically include these parameters as query parameters in the API definition. Query parameters are included in the URL path with a question mark in front, and an ampersand between.

For instance to call this query method, the API consumer could use this request:

  • HTTP verb: GET

  • URL: {base URL}/v0/players/?skip=10&limit=50&minimum_last_changed_date=2024-04-01

Or the API consumer could use this request:

  • HTTP verb: GET

  • URL: {base URL}/v0/players/?first_name=Bryce&last_name=Young

Within the body of the read_players() function, FastAPI is calling the get_players() function that you defined in It is performing a database query. The players object receives the result of that function call. FastAPI validates that this object matches the definition list[schemas.Player]. If it does, FastAPI uses Pydantic to serialize the Python objects into a text JSON string and sends the response to the consumer.

The next endpoint adds two additional FastAPI features:

@app.get("/v0/players/{player_id}", response_model=schemas.Player)
def read_player(player_id: int, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    player = crud.get_player(db, player_id=player_id)
    if player is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Player not found")
    return player

First, the URL path includes {player_id}. This is a path parameter, which is an API request parameter that is included in the URL path instead of separated by question marks and ampersands like the query parameters. Here is an example of how the API consumer might call this endpoint:

  • HTTP verb: GET

  • URL: {base URL}/v0/players/12345?skip=10&limit=50

The function checks to see if any records were returned from the helper function, and if not it raises an HTTPException. This is a standard method that web applications use to communicate status. It is good RESTful API design to use the standard HTTP status codes to communicate with consumers. This makes the operation more predictable and reliable. This endpoint returns an HTTP status code of 404, which is the not found code. It adds the additional message that the item not found was the player being searched for.

The next four endpoints do not use any new features. But together they complete all of the user stories that we have included for your first API:

@app.get("/v0/performances/", response_model=list[schemas.Performance])
def read_performances(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    performances = crud.get_performances(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date)
    return performances

@app.get("/v0/leagues/{league_id}", response_model=schemas.League)
def read_league(league_id: int,db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    league = crud.get_league(db, league_id = league_id)
    if league is None:
        raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="League not found")
    return league

@app.get("/v0/leagues/", response_model=list[schemas.League])
def read_leagues(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, league_name: str = None,db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    leagues = crud.get_leagues(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date, league_name=league_name)
    return leagues

@app.get("/v0/teams/", response_model=list[schemas.Team])
def read_teams(skip: int = 0, limit: int = 100, minimum_last_changed_date: date = None, team_name: str = None, db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    teams = crud.get_teams(db, skip=skip, limit=limit, min_last_changed_date=minimum_last_changed_date, team_name=team_name)
    return teams

The final endpoint provides counts of leagues, teams, and players:

@app.get("/v0/counts/", response_model=schemas.Counts)
def get_count(db: Session = Depends(get_db)):
    counts = schemas.Counts(
        league_count = crud.get_league_count(db),
        team_count = crud.get_team_count(db),
        player_count = crud.get_player_count(db))
    return counts

It is worth noting that in addition to the basic options of FastAPI and Pydantic that you are using, there are many additional validations and other features available. As you can see, these libraries accomplish a lot with only a few lines of code from you.

Testing Your API

You will use Pytest to test your As with the file in the previous chapter, you will be testing that the correct number of records are returned by each API endpoint. The counts of records can be verified by the SQL queries in Chapter 3’s “Loading Your Data” section.

To implement the tests for your API, create a file with the following contents named

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from main import app

client = TestClient(app)

# test the health check endpoint
def test_read_main():
    response = client.get("/")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == {"message": "API health check successful"}

# test /v0/players/
def test_read_players():
    response = client.get("/v0/players/?skip=0&limit=10000")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 1018

def test_read_players_by_name():
    response = client.get("/v0/players/?first_name=Bryce&last_name=Young")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 1
    assert response.json()[0].get("player_id") == 2009

# test /v0/players/{player_id}/
def test_read_players_with_id():
    response = client.get("/v0/players/1001/")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json().get("player_id") == 1001

# test /v0/performances/
def test_read_performances():
    response = client.get("/v0/performances/?skip=0&limit=20000")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 17306

# test /v0/performances/ with changed date
def test_read_performances_by_date():
    response = client.get(
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 2711

# test /v0/leagues/{league_id}/
def test_read_leagues_with_id():
    response = client.get("/v0/leagues/5002/")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()["teams"]) == 8

# test /v0/leagues/
def test_read_leagues():
    response = client.get("/v0/leagues/?skip=0&limit=500")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 5

# test /v0/teams/
def test_read_teams():
    response = client.get("/v0/teams/?skip=0&limit=500")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 20

# test /v0/teams/
def test_read_teams_for_one_league():
    response = client.get("/v0/teams/?skip=0&limit=500&league_id=5001")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 12

# test the count functions
def test_counts():
    response = client.get("/v0/counts/")
    response_data = response.json()
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response_data["league_count"] == 5
    assert response_data["team_count"] == 20
    assert response_data["player_count"] == 1018

To recap the previous chapter, any file that contains tests will have a file name beginning with test_ or ending with test. Inside the test file, Pytest will execute any function name beginning with test_. These functions will end with an assert statement. If it’s true, the test passes, if it’s false the test fails.

The file begins with import statements and the creation the TestClient:

from fastapi.testclient import TestClient 1
from main import app 2

client = TestClient(app) 3

The TestClient is a special class that allows the FastAPI program to be tested without running it on a web server.


The is the main FastAPI program you created in


This statement creates a TestClient that will test your application.

Take a look at a few of the test functions:

#test the health check endpoint
def test_read_main():
    response = client.get("/")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert response.json() == {"message": "API health check successful"}

This function uses the TestClient to simulate an API call to the root path. Then it checks the HTTP status code for a value of 200, which means a successful request. Next, it looks at the JSON value returned by the API and checks that it matches the JSON value provided.

The next test function adds more functionality:

#test /v0/players/
def test_read_players():
    response = client.get("/v0/players/?skip=0&limit=10000")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 1018

Notice that the URL passed in the get() statement uses the skip and limit+parameters. The second +assert statement checks the length of the list players returned by the API to make sure it is exactly 1018.

Another test function tests the search of players by name. Although the database does not enforce uniqueness on player names, duplicate player names are rare, and names are commonly used to identify players.

This search without a key supports the design recommended in Chapter 1 for AI:

def test_read_players_by_name():
    response = client.get("/v0/players/?first_name=Bryce&last_name=Young")
    assert response.status_code == 200
    assert len(response.json()) == 1
    assert response.json()[0].get("player_id") == 2009

This adds two assert statements: one to make sure only one record was returned from this query. (After all, there is only one Bryce Young) and another to make sure the player_id is correct.

The complete file contains 11 tests in all. To execute the tests, enter the following command:

.../chapter4 (main) $ pytest
================== test session starts ===========================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.14, pytest-8.1.2, pluggy-1.4.0
rootdir: /workspaces/portfolio-project/chapter4
plugins: anyio-

collected 11 items                                              [100%]

=================== 11 passed in 1.01s ============================

You have verified that your FastAPI program works with Pytest. Now it’s time to try it with a web server.

Launching Your API

This is the moment you have been waiting for: it’s time to run your API. You are going to use the Uvicorn web server to execute your program, passing the name of the Python file without the file extension and the FastAPI app object name.

Enter the following command from the command line:

.../chapter4 (main) $ fastapi run

You will see the application startup occur as show in Figure 4-2.

FastAPI running from command line
Figure 4-2. FastAPI running from command line

In Codespaces, you will also see a dialog stating “Your application running on port 8000 is available” as shown in Figure 4-3.

Codespaces browser window popup
Figure 4-3. Codespaces browser window popup

Click “Open in Browser” to open a browser tab outside of your codespaces. This browser will show a base URL ending in “” that contains the response from your API running on Codespaces. You should see the health check message in your web browser:

{"message":"API health check successful"}

This confirms your API is running, which is a great start.

The next test is to call an endpoint that retrieves data. Give that a try by copying and pasting the following onto the end of the base URL in your browser: /v0/performances/?skip=0&limit=1. For example, the full URL might be

If everything is working correctly, you should see the following data in your browser:


This chapter covered a lot, so it’s possible that an error occurred or you are not getting a successful result. Don’t worry, this happens to all of us. Here are a few suggestions for how to troubleshoot any problems you are running into:

  • Run the pip3 install -r requirements.txt command again to make sure you have all the updated software.

  • Take a minute to verify the path in the URL bar of your browser. Minor things matter such as slashes and question marks.

  • Look at the command line to see any errors that are being thrown by FastAPI.

  • To verify your environment with FastAPI and Uvicorn, try creating a very simple API, such as one from the Official FastAPI Tutorial.

If this first API endpoint is working for you, try out some more of the URLs from Table 4-1 in your browser to verify that you have completed all of your user stories. Congratulations, you are an API developer!

Additional Resources

To explore FastAPI beyond this book, the official FastAPI tutorial and FastAPI reference documentation are both very useful.

To learn the ins and outs of building a project with FastAPI, I recommend FastAPI: Modern Python Web Development by Bill Lubanovic (O’Reilly, 2023).

For a growing list of practical tips from an official FastAPI Export, check out Marcelo Trylesinski’s Fast API Tips.

The official Pydantic 2.4 documentation provides information for the specific version of Pydantic used in this chapter.

The official Uvicorn documentation has much more information about the capabilities of this software.


In this chapter, you completed the API functionality for the SWC Fantasy Football API. You accomplished the following:

  • You installed FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Pydantic, and Uvicorn, along with several supporting libraries.

  • You created SQLAlchemy models and CRUD helper functions to process the data using Python.

  • You defined Pydantic schemas to represent the data that your API consumers wanted to receive.

  • You created a FastAPI program to process consumer requests and return data responses, tying everything together.

  • You tested the API with Pytest and then ran it successfully on the web server.

In Chapter 5, you will look at how to document your API using FastAPI’s built-in capabilities and then publish a developer portal.

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