Namecoin blockchain installation

In this section, we will begin with the installation of the Namecoin blockchain:

  • Installation: We need to install the namecoin blockchain in the local system:
sudo apt-get install namecoin

To configure namecoin, follow the quick start guide. Rather than creating multiple users, this tutorial will use the current user.

  • Configuration: Once the installation is completed for Namecoin, we need to configure the blockchain with the following commands:
mkdir -p ~/.namecoin \&& echo "rpcuser=`whoami`" >> ~/.namecoin/namecoin.conf \&& echo "rpcpassword=`openssl rand -hex 30/`" >> ~/.namecoin/namecoin.conf \&& echo "rpcport=8336" >> ~/.namecoin/namecoin.conf \&& echo "daemon=1" >> ~/.namecoin/namecoin.conf

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