
  1. Quiz-tion: Which of the following would usually be a discrete variable in a dataset
    1. The order in which a player elects to bat in a game of cricket
    2. The number of runs scored by a batsman
    3. The time it took to complete a match
  2. Quiz-tion: What is the package Amelia used for?
    1. To perform chained multi-variate equations in SAS
    2. To load the Movies database from IMDB
    3. To address challenges with missing data
  3. Quiz-tion: There are various packages in R that leverage ggplot2 such as ggnet, ggmap, and many others. What does gg stand for?
    1. Graphics GUI
    2. Grammar of graphics
    3. GUI generation

Answers: Q1 - 1, Q2 - 3, Q3 - 2

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