Running the samples

The samples we looked at can be deployed to Thorntail and accessed via command-line queries against the endpoints to validate the expected behaviors. Since authentication against the endpoints marked with security constraints requires a valid JWT, we need a way to generate a JWT that will be accepted by the Thorntail server.

This chapter's code provides an io.packt.jwt.test.GenerateToken utility that will create a JWT signed by a key that has been configured with the Thorntail server. The claims included in the JWT are defined by the src/test/resources/JwtClaims.json document of this chapter's project. You run the utility using the mvn exec:java command, as shown here:

Scotts-iMacPro:jwtprop starksm$ mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=io.packt.jwt.test.GenerateToken ...

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