Seeding many-to-many data

Testing our implementation requires data in our database. We have three new tables, so we will create three new seeders, in order to get some test data to work with.

Let's start with the chats, as follows:

sequelize seed:generate --name fake-chats --seeders-path src/server/seeders

Now, replace the new seeder file with the following code. Running the following code creates a chat in our database. We do not need more than two timestamps, because the chat ID is generated automatically:

'use strict';module.exports = {  up: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {    return queryInterface.bulkInsert('Chats', [{      createdAt: new Date(),      updatedAt: new Date(),    }],    {});  },  down: (queryInterface, Sequelize) => {
 return queryInterface.bulkDelete('Chats', ...

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