Let's try out the Gym Retro library quickly by installing the pre-built binaries using pip with the following command:
(rl_gym_book) praveen@ubuntu:~/rl_gym_book/ch9$ pip install gym-retro
Once the installation is successful, we can have a sneak peek into one of the available Gym Retro environments using the following script:
#!/usr/bin/env pythonimport retro if __name__ == '__main__' : env = retro . make ( game = 'Airstriker-Genesis' , state = 'Level1' ) obs = env . reset () while True : obs , rew , done , info = env . step ( env . action_space . sample ()) env . render () if done : obs = env . reset ()
Running this script will bring up a window with the Airstriker game and show the spaceship ...