Chapter 13. Loading and Preprocessing Data with TensorFlow
In Chapter 2, you saw that loading and preprocessing data is an important part of any machine learning project. You used Pandas to load and explore the (modified) California housing dataset—which was stored in a CSV file—and you applied Scikit-Learn’s transformers for preprocessing. These tools are quite convenient, and you will probably be using them often, especially when exploring and experimenting with data.
However, when training TensorFlow models on large datasets, you may prefer to use TensorFlow’s own data loading and preprocessing API, called It is capable of loading and preprocessing data extremely efficiently, reading from multiple files in parallel using multithreading and queuing, shuffling and batching samples, and more. Plus, it can do all of this on the fly—it loads and preprocesses the next batch of data across multiple CPU cores, while your GPUs or TPUs are busy training the current batch of data.
The API lets you handle datasets that don’t fit in memory, and it allows you to make full use of your hardware resources, thereby speeding up training. Off the shelf, the API can read from text files (such as CSV files), binary files with fixed-size records, and binary files that use TensorFlow’s TFRecord format, which supports records of varying sizes.
TFRecord is a flexible and efficient binary format usually containing protocol buffers (an open source binary format). The API ...
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