The buffer() operator gathers all Flux<T> elements and emits them as a List<T>. Unlike groups generated by the groupBy() operator, all the elements in the List<T> buffer are in their original order. Alternatively, we could provide a batchSize to the operator. The operator will then generate N lists, each of which will have a specified number of elements. Let's try to use the buffer operator on our Fibonacci series:
@Test public void testBufferWithDefinateSize(){ Flux<Long> fibonacciGenerator = Flux.generate(() -> Tuples.<Long, Long>of(0L, 1L), (state, sink) -> { if (state.getT1() < 0) sink.complete(); else; return Tuples.of(state.getT2(), state.getT1() + state.getT2()); }); fibonacciGenerator.take(100) ...