Proc Freq and statistical tests

We have data on injuries that have been sustained by people while playing various sports. For all of the activities, we know whether the individuals performed any warm-up exercises prior to playing. There is a suspicion that the lack of warm-ups led to higher injuries:

Data SportsInjury;Input Activity $ Warmup Injury Count;Datalines;Running 1 0 5Running 0 1 15Running 1 1 3Football 1 0 16Football 1 1 10Football 1 1 4Squash 1 0 2Squash 0 1 10Squash 1 1 0Weights 1 0 12Weights 0 1 6Weights 1 1 3Others 0 0 10;

We have aggregated the data at the level of the Warmup and Injury variables:

Proc Sql;  Create table Analyse as  Select Warmup, Injury, Sum(Count) as Cases  From SportsInjury  Group by 1,2;Quit;Proc Print Noobs; ...

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