We have data on injuries that have been sustained by people while playing various sports. For all of the activities, we know whether the individuals performed any warm-up exercises prior to playing. There is a suspicion that the lack of warm-ups led to higher injuries:
Data SportsInjury;Input Activity $ Warmup Injury Count;Datalines;Running 1 0 5Running 0 1 15Running 1 1 3Football 1 0 16Football 1 1 10Football 1 1 4Squash 1 0 2Squash 0 1 10Squash 1 1 0Weights 1 0 12Weights 0 1 6Weights 1 1 3Others 0 0 10;
We have aggregated the data at the level of the Warmup and Injury variables:
Proc Sql; Create table Analyse as Select Warmup, Injury, Sum(Count) as Cases From SportsInjury Group by 1,2;Quit;Proc Print Noobs; ...